BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Ekintzak
  3. Seminars & Other Activities

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

Seminars & Other Activities

Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 15th seminar 13th of December, 2012

Climate policy negotiations with incomplete information

Lecturer: Professor Kai A. Konrad - Managing Director at the MaxPlanck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance ( Munich)



Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 14th seminar 29th of November, 2012

Impact of climate policy and external shocks on innovation in renewable energy technologies

Lecturer: Dr Pia Weiss, Lecturer for Industrial Economics (Nottingham University Business School)



Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 13rd seminar 22nd of November, 2012

A Water Agency faced with Quantity-Quality Management of a Groundwater Resource

Lecturer: Katrin Erdlenbruch (Research Fellow, Irstea, Montpellier, France)



Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 12nd seminar 15th of November, 2012 (Postponed)

An early warning system for desertification

Lecturers: Dr. Javier Ibáñez Puerta - Dpto de Estadística y métodos de gestión en agricultura, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr. Jaime Martínez Valderrama - Estacion Experimental Zonas Aridas, CSIC



Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 11st seminar 9th of November, 2012

Large Scale Integration of Renewables in Power Systems: Flexibility Assessment and Market Rules Design

Lecturer: Fernando de Sisternes (PhD Candidate, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)



Emaitzak 46 - 54 -(e)tik 105

Geure cookieak eta hirugarrenenak erabiltzen ditugu gure zerbitzuak hobetzeko eta nabigazioa aztertuz aukerarik onenak eskaintzeko.
Nabigatzen jarraitzen baduzu, haiek erabiltzea onartzen duzula ulertzen dugu. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, egin klik hemen.